Using Geothermal Pool Heating to Save Energy

A pool may be heated using fossil fuels, electric resistance, solar energy, or a heat pump (either “air sourced” or “geothermal sourced”). The most energy-efficient and sustainable method for heating pools and providing potable water is solar energy, however it is weather-dependent. Cloudy and chilly days might result in a chilly pool, necessitating the use of backup heating supplies.

Heating water for drinking, swimming pools, and spas with fossil fuels is a traditional favorite. Although the initial cost is very cheap, as time goes on, it becomes more costly both financially and environmentally.

How about the idea of year-round swimming at a reasonable price? The use of geothermal pool heat pumps, which will warm your swimming pool water in harmony with nature, is one of the wisest energy decisions. When compared to electrical or fossil fuel pool heating, these pools will allow you to enjoy swimming on a cool day while greatly reducing costs.

How does the Geothermal Pool Heating Work?

A water-to-water heat pump system and a geothermal pool heating system have very similar designs. On one side of the ground loop, energy from the earth is extracted. Through the refrigeration cycle, it is converted to Freon through the evaporator, and on the other end of the cycle, heat from the hot compressed gas is transmitted to a water-to-water heat exchanger (condenser). The water is heated to between 120 and 140 F by the hot gas. However most geothermal water to water heat pumps are not designed to have chlorinated or salt water pool water run directly through their condenser heat exchanger as the chlorine can damage this heat exchanger. So as an alternative, we utilise a buffer tank to retain the energy and a second exterior heat exchanger to transfer it to the pool. In this manner, the geothermal heat pump is never in contact with the pool water. The buffer tank also lessens the compressor motor’s short cycling.

What Are the Benefits of Geothermal Pool Heating?

Suitable for Pools of All Sizes

All sizes of swimming pools, from spas to commercial and even Olympic pools, can be heated with geothermal energy. An large quantity of resources are needed to heat enormous amounts of water. Geothermal heating is incredibly effective and not only uses energy that doesn’t harm the environment, but it also allows you to save a sizable sum of money.

Very Little Maintenance

Your geothermal heat pumps will use the natural heat from the Earth to heat your pool after they are installed. Once the thermostat is set, very little maintenance is needed to maintain the optimum level of functioning proficiency.

Extended Swimming Season

You can only use your swimming pool without a heater during the short (three to four months) summer season. Geothermal heat pumps utilize the heat produced by a water source to work independently of the temperature of the surrounding air. You may extend your swimming season and swim all year long by investing in geothermal heat pumps.

Delightful Swimming Season

Even in the hottest summer months, the water temperature can rise to 75°F in various regions of the world. The majority of people like swimming in water that is warmer, often between 82° and 84°F. That is yet another factor supporting the notion that the heater is crucial in terms of more comfortable pool water temperatures.

Health Advantages

Simply put, an extended swimming season equals more leisure time. Swimming is regarded as one of the best kinds of cardiovascular exercise and is advantageous for both senior persons and people with muscle disorders.

Low Cost of Operation

Rather than producing heat, geothermal heat pumps transport heat using electricity. Even though the initial installation expenses could be significant (depending on the size of your pool), this method of heating will cost you less money overall. In fact, compared to utilizing an electric or gas heater, this kind of pool heating will cost you up to five or six times less per month.

How Much Does a Geothermal Heat Pump Cost to Buy?

If you’ve done some research and already decided to buy a geothermal heat pump for your pool, your next concern is probably how much it will cost. While there are many variables that determine the ultimate cost, we can give you an outline of the four main ones that may have an impact on it.

Initial Expenses

In the case of geothermal or water source heat pumps, the initial expenses are sometimes the largest investment. As a result, some customers choose not to buy them. While investing in a different type of heat pump may result in more financial savings, it’s crucial to plan ahead and take operational costs into account. The size of your pool is another aspect that will have an impact on the initial price.

Operating Costs

The cost of heating depends on a number of variables, including the target temperature, the exterior climate, and the cost of power. Due to their high energy efficiency, geothermal heat pumps typically have very low operating costs.

Maintenance Costs

Maintenance costs are influenced by a range of factors, just as operating costs. Research warranties before making a geothermal heat pump purchase. While some repairs might fall within the warranty, others might not. Additionally, some manufacturers will offer you a warranty for just one year, while others may offer ten years.

When making a purchase of geothermal heat pumps, it is crucial to understand these three factors. To make sure you get the best value for your money, do your research on various heat pump models, warranties, and installation fees before making the final purchase.


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