Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy: A Guide for Kids

Nuclear Energy
Photo by Vladimu00edr Slu00e1dek on

  1. The first full-scale nuclear power plant to generate electricity for public use was the Shippingport Atomic Power Station, located in Pennsylvania, USA. It began producing electricity in 1957.
  2. The largest nuclear power plant in the world, in terms of electricity production, is the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. It has a total capacity of about 8.2 gigawatts.
  3. Nuclear power plants can operate for long periods without interruptions. Some reactors have run continuously for more than 500 days!
  4. Nuclear energy is used not only for electricity production but also for powering some spacecraft, like those exploring outer space. The Mars rovers, for instance, use radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) to generate electricity from the heat produced by decaying radioactive isotopes.
  5. Nuclear power provides approximately 10% of the world’s electricity, and some countries rely heavily on nuclear energy to meet their energy demands. For instance, France generates about 70% of its electricity from nuclear power.
  6. The process of nuclear fission releases an enormous amount of energy. In fact, one kilogram of uranium-235 can produce as much energy as burning 1,500 tons of coal!

Test Your Knowledge With this Quiz

Here’s a small quiz to test your knowledge about the pros and cons of nuclear energy:


  1. b) Energy harnessed through the splitting or combining of atoms
  2. b) Uranium
  3. b) Radioactive waste disposal
  4. c) Production of radioactive waste
  5. c) Nuclear energy
  6. True